Green & Blue Planet Solutions Co., Ltd. (GBP) was commissioned to conduct an audit of the implementation on Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) of a local engine manufacturing factory in Thailand, following amendments to existing Thai EHS regulations. The client required our support to review newly relevant regulations and perform a thorough audit to ensure full compliance with all regulations.
Our Approach:
GBP reviewed relevant documents and details including newly relevant regulations to verify background information essential for audit. Our environmental experts conducted a site survey to assess compliance with Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) regulations. Upon completion of the site survey, GBP prepared a summary assessment report which provides critical information to support further decisions. Furthermore, we offer services for reviewing new regulations and maintaining the company’s legal register to ensure it remains up-to-date and comprehensive.
Our Value:
Our client will receive a clear and accurate assessment of the factory’s compliance with Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) regulations. GBP will provide explanations and recommendations on relevant regulations to the executives and staff to ensure mutual understanding. We will also deliver reports on new regulations and reviews of past regulations to support the business’s compliance with legal requirements related to environmental, health, and safety matters.